sponsor fodder
You can support us by sponsoring fodder for Cows. We mostly give vegetable rich fodder to cows for a better health and fast recovery from any kind ailment. The fodder normally includes two components i.e. dry fodder or green fodder at a time. Further to complete the meal for cattle, additional seasonable vegetable, jaggery and grains are also flogged & mixed into the fodder using big hydraulic mixer. The prices of fodder and vegetables keeps fluctuating however, if you want to support us in feeding cows you can donate a trolley of Green Fodder or whatever numbers of trolley you want to sponsor. Typically in a day around 150 trolley of green fodder & 60 trolleys of dry fodder is used.
* Note :: The cost of Green fodder trolley is typically INR 11,000 /- and serves around 5100 kg of fodder. The weight may vary little bit, depending upon the market rate of fodder.